Can we create our own reality through positive
Yes. Definitely. This is a very powerful
question. On one side it gives us the power of changing our lives, but on the
other it gives us a huge responsibility. Destiny is not in the hands of someone
else but yours.
Ancient traditions and recently quantum physics
have stated that we don´t live in a material pre-designed world, but in a world
of infinite possibilities. We can affect physical matter with our minds. We can
change ourselves, our body and our community. But is it as simple as just waking up and
thinking “Today it´s going to be a great day”? I don´t think so. I think
positive thinking is a process and you need lots of courage to take this path.
This is because first of all we have to get rid of all the negative thoughts,
and some of them are very powerful. Some of them have been with you since you
were a kid and are imprinted in your brain; they make you go through your daily
living. Let´s say, for example, that you think of yourself as a messy person.
Your parents told you so, and then your friends or colleagues confirmed it.
This takes away all the responsibility of being an organized person.
To start the process of positive thinking we
have to dig deep. Find the negative thoughts that are not in the top of the
iceberg. Then question them. Who told me that? Is that entirely true? What if I
could change this?
Once you dug all of them, then you can switch
to other techniques of positive thinking. There are lots of them. I particularly like two of them. The first
one is the ASK-BELIEVE-BE GRATEFUL that I explain on the post of Beyond the Secret…The second one is
creating your day and it’s a lot like visualization exercises. Take a moment before falling asleep or before
totally waking up and create in your mind the day as you wish it to be. The
results are amazing.
Affirmations are another way of positive
thinking and can change your mind´s pattern. These are positive statements in
present tense to repeat throughout the day. For example, if you want to lose
weight you can repeat “I´m thin and healthy”. The way affirmations work it´s by
reinforcing the connections in your brain. It´s proved that the most thoughts,
positive or negative, we have in our brain, and the more we repeat them or act
on them the stronger the connections in your brain that treat about this
thinking. So, affirmations function as positive thinking workout. What are the
affirmations you use? I would love to hear about them.
Another topic on positive thinking is positive
psychology. It explains us that a bit of negative thinking is necessary to
function in life. I like not to think we need is negative thinking but action.
We can create our day in our mind but if you sit in the couch all day, it´s not
going to work. Take positive thinking out there and act accordingly.
What are your thoughts on creating our reality
through positive thinking? I would love to hear about them.
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